Matchstick with sweet-tooth !

Articles Required: Amatchstick, a tub of water, sugar cube or sugar.

First of all, fill your tub with water. When the water surface is abso­lutely quiet and no bubbles are seen, just put a matchstick at the centre of the water surface. Now hang a sugar cube with thread at a distance of about three-four centi­meters from the matchstick in such a manner that half of it remains sub­merged in the water. Yes, one thing: while handling these things take care not to create any distur­bance in the water.

If you can't get a sugar cube, don't worry, you can just make a small pocket of sugar and hang it instead of the cube. After sometime you'll notice that the matchstick starts sliding towards the sugar cube, as if attracted by sweet. But do you know what is the actual reason behind it?

The sugar dissolves in water and makes a sweet solution. Being heavier than plain water, this sweet solution starts settling down. In this condition the water rushes from all directions to fill the gap. And as a result the matchstick is dragged along.


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